Friday, 25 March 2011

A sunny day in my little studio

Today is at least the fifth day in a row of gorgeous, sunny spring weather.  Last night, I finally organised my little studio in the back of the house.  I don't know how I thought I was ever going to get any decent work done when it was so messy, dusty, etc.  I guess it's this kind of weather though that really helps you to feel like opening doors and windows and giving everything a thorough cleaning.

My 'studio' is a small conservatory off the kitchen- it's perfect for me as it lets heaps of natural light in.  But, over the winter it was freezing and so even though I kept my stuff in there, I didn't do any work in there.  The little bit of work that I did do since we moved here was done at the dining table.  When I do that, which is what I have had to do a lot over the last few years, it drives my husband mad.  It's not that he minds me working there, he just minds that I leave all my crap all over it for days on end and we end up having to eat dinner amongst bits of silver and little stone beads.  And tools.  I should really be more careful anyway and limit my work to the studio.  My son sometimes comes up to me and hands me bits of metal.  Not the best idea I guess.  If he were still a wee little one, I would be more careful, as I used to be, even when I did work in the living room and such.

At any rate, the weather is not meant to stay quite as warm, but here's hoping that I can now actually work in my studio.  Here's hoping that I will actually do some work.  The summer is around the corner and I have to be ready.  I have a month long open house coming up in May, not my house, but a big, beautiful house that I am joining for the time.

I must go compile an order for recycled silver that I have been putting off for months because I didn't want to spend the money, but if I don't get it in soon, I will have no silver to do any work.  Must also order the Fair Trade chains I have had on my eye on for over a year.  This is it.  I really must make this business thing happen now.

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