Wednesday, 23 March 2011

My very first blog post, ever

I suppose I am way behind with this blog thing.  Everyone has been doing it for some time now, and, considering the fact that I like to (sometimes) call myself a writer, I guess it's pretty sad that it has taken me until now to start one.  Let's hope that I actually find interesting and/or amusing things to talk about and that someone, somewhere, actually reads the thing.

So, maybe the introduction stuff is supposed to go in my profile...?  I don't know, but here goes a bit anyway.  I just turned 30.  Does that mean I am supposed to be a grown-up now?  I don't feel like one.  Except for all the grey hair.  I have had some since I was 20, but now it's getting ridiculous.  At least women don't usually need to worry about going bald.  Instead, I just make fun of my husband, since he's been losing his hair since I was 18 and he was 23, probably before then.

I have been talking about opening a jewellery (or,' jewelry' , depending on where you live.  My sister with a PhD thought I spelled my business name wrong) business for the last 3 years or so.  And I have been 'doing' jewellery since then.  And I have gotten pretty good at it.  The jewellery, that is, not the business.  I haven't actually 'opened' anything at all.  But, I have spent plenty of money.  I am not sure on what exactly.  Well, silver and stones and tools and display, I guess.  All that costs money.  And I bought a nice camera 3 years ago, which is already pretty out of date, but takes pretty nice pictures anyway and will probably always be a nice camera.  But, ideally, running a business should not just mean spending lots of money to make pretty things and sometimes actually selling some.  I am very inconsistent, that's my main problem.  I burn myself out too easily because I am completely manic in all I do.  It's all or nothing with me.  No happy medium.

My goal is to make my jewellery as ethical and sustainable as possible.  Sometimes this has paralysed me from doing anything at all with it, since the industry is inherently very UNethical.  But, that's just a convenient excuse most of the time for me.  So, I did make the decision to go for it anyway, but it's not always easy.  We'll see how that goes.

Besides that, I try to be a good mum to our beautiful son who just turned 6.  Overall, I think I am a pretty good one, he knows how much I love him and we usually have a laugh.  But, for all I preach about kids watching too much TV, etc., etc., it's too easy to let him do the same sometimes.  And, he got a DS for Xmas, which I swore he didn't need at his age.  Oh well.  I try, most of the time anyway.

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