Tuesday, 29 March 2011


I have spent the last few days now obsessing over what to do regarding our ex-landlord trying to keep most of our £1550 deposit.  If I thought we had actually damaged anything, then I guess I would have to deal with it.  But we didn't.  He's a nasty piece of work and it makes me so angry.  After googling everything I could think of that had to do with deposits, I found out that he had actually broken the law by not putting the money into a deposit protection scheme within 14 days.  He did it 5 months later.  And he still hasn't supplied us with 'prescribed information' about the scheme.  According to the Housing Act of 2004, if this is not done, the court must award the tenants their original deposit plus 3x in compensation.  And this is what happened many times.  It seemed too good to be true.  And perhaps it is.  At the end of 2011, there were a couple of cases that had made it the appeals court.  They were both similar in that the tenant was actually in arrears and were using the scheme rules as a defence.  The court found on the side of the landlord.  Since it was in the appeals court, it now sets a precedent of interpretation of the law, where they are now saying that the landlord has until the day of the hearing to comply.  These idiots who weren't paying their rent seem to have ruined it for the rest of us.  So, now I don't know what to do.  We can still try to claim this in court, but we are probably better off just trying to get our deposit back.  Which is fine- great even.  But I would like to make this a$% suffer like he has to us.  He even wrote a nasty, semi-threatening email to us the other day.  Said that we better be forthcoming with agreeing to him taking our money, or he would take us to court and it would cost us £2000.  Which is, of course, a lie.  I guess it could cost us that, if we hired a solicitor to do every little thing for us.  But we don't need one for County Court.  Argh.

I haven't really got any work done the last few days.  Too busy obsessing.  I have a mountain of clean laundry that needs ironing.  There's not that much dirty laundry actually, but my husband still can't find any socks.  What a terrible wife I am sometimes.  Why can't we find any when I know there has to be lots?  You know there in the mountain somewhere, but when there is that much crap to search through, you seem to miss them all.  The whites I washed three days ago still aren't dry.  How can this be?  It has been warm.  It is a bit cold today though.

I did manage to pull myself away from google for long enough yesterday to go to a 'sound investigation' at my son's school.  And my husband was off work so he came too.  Basically, it was 90 kids running around to different stations and making as much noise as possible for 45 minutes.  Drums, bells, whistles.  Our favourite station was the one with the earmuffs.  Too bad we had to make them with the kids and they weren't exactly the most functional muffs in the world.

hhmmm...back to googling for a bit and then....maybe some ironing.  I still haven't placed my order for silver either.  ugh.

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